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Read about Digital Citizenship Summit 2016 here.
#digcitsummit: 5 values that guide our work
1. We are community-driven and highly collaborative, serving as a role model for digital citizenship (safe, savvy and ethical use of tech and social media.)
2. We encourage diversity of thought. Our goal is to find the common issues and priorities for all stakeholders and discover how we can collectively solve problems and share resources.
3. We strive to be pro-active (versus reactive) to the lastest news, research and challenges facing digital culture.
4. We synthesize the best ideas and practices from diverse partners and share the information widely to help families, school administrators and educators, researchers, thought leaders, librarians and community-based organizations be the digital change.
5. We truly enjoy our work and making a positive impact. We do it with a sense of passion--and a sense of humor!
Our values: Why we all need to be the digital change.

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