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and more. We are also kicking off #MediaLitWk
THANK YOU to our sponsors for supporting the global Digital Citizenship Summit!
Impero is the author of Impero Education Pro, a consolidated suite of network management, online safety and classroom control tools, designed to support IT pros, empower teachers and protect students. Through keyword detection and real-time monitoring, Impero Education Pro creates a safe and engaging learning environment for our digital age.
Impero software is actively used in over 40 countries worldwide, by over 500 school districts in the US, and across more than 40% of high schools in the UK. The company has full-service offices in Los Angeles, California and Nottingham, in the UK.
GoEnnounce is an award winning, social media based, personalized learning network solution for students. It’s a learner profile tool for students to safely display & track their unique academic and extracurricular achievements in their own voice. This profile stays with the student year after year, is their own URL, and allows them to leverage their accomplishments & goals to access opportunities.
GoEnnounce includes a digital citizenship education package that provides curriculum and online classes for students, PD for teachers, and content videos for parents. This educates all parties on safe & empowering social media use and demonstrates the importance of building a student’s positive digital footprint for college and career readiness.
Learn more about GoEnounce:
Edtech Review featuring GoEnnounce, Teaching 21st Century Skills Made Easy for Educators & Administrators
Edtech Digest E-nnouncing Something New
eSchoolNews Curriculum Includes 10 Lessons for Digital Citizenship
Edtech Digest What is Digital Citizenship
More on Microsoft and Microsoft in Education's role in promoting digital citizenship coming soon. Join them on Facebook and Twitter. Watch the interview live from the recent Digital Citizenship Summit at Twitter, featuring co-founder David Ryan Polgar and student speaker Timmy Sullivan.