Learn more about the Digital Citizenship Summit from the co-founders recent media appearances. Below, you can also find links to their TEDx talks.

Watch co-founder Marialice Curran speak on connecting, learning and doing digital citizenship globally.

This year's flagship Digital Citizenship Summit will be held at Twitter HQ in San Francisco.

Watch co-founder of #digcitsummit talk about being human on his recent TedX talk.
Digital Citizenship Summit In the News, TEDx presentations and more.

Read, "WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES" The Digital Citizenship Summit, launched last year in Greater Hartford at the University of Saint Joseph, will be hosted at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on October 28 this year, as the launch event for U.S. Media Literacy Week at the social media giant’s global headquarters. Click here for full story.

WATCH A CLIP FROM FOX 61 ON "DIGITIAL ETIQUETTE" which was the topic on the Stan Simpson Show, taped just before the first Summit held in Hartford in October, 2015. To view it on Fox61 click here.

READ AN INTERVIEW IN INNOVATIONHARTFORD.COM Read an in-depth interview about the founding of the Digital Citizenship Summit! "Not only are we flipping the script, we are flipping the tone and the culture from fear to trust, from negative stories about social media use to positive examples, and we are going beyond the pitfalls and what to avoid as we focus on what to encourage." - Dr. Marialice Curran Click on title for full story

A CONVERSATION ON SHOWBIE A deeper dive into the founders goals, the movement and how they are helping others connnect.“A lightbulb went off where we knew all of these different groups were talking about the same thing, they were just using different words in different silos. With digital citizenship, there’s a huge opportunity to connect these groups and be the silo breaker.”-David Ryan Polgar