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No parent left behind at Cyberwise

"CyberWise is the go-to learning source for adults who want to help kids use technology safely and wisely." Their mission, and the valuable resources they provide, perfectly aligns with the #digcitsummit's goal to  push forward new ideas, focus on the positive and be a force for positive digital change.   

Stop bullying with #icanhelp tools

The launching of the #iCANHELP organization was inspired by a fake and damaging Facebook page about a educator, and the reaction of a concerned student. Leadership teachers Matt Soeth and Kim Karr co-founded #iCANHELP after seeing firsthand how students wanted a way to reduce the level of bullying and negativity often found on social media. What the students were lacking, however, were proper tools to respond to the negativity and better shape the online culture. That's where #iCANHELP comes in.

National Association for Media Literacy Education

The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) is a professional association for educators, academics, activists, and students with a passion for understanding how the media we use and create affect our lives and the lives of others in our communities and in the world. The NAMLE vision is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and active citizens in today’s world.

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